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Mobile installation for insect rearing

A bridge between research and practice.


From until

The EFRO project InsectMobil aims to provide support to insect start-ups. Currently, the barrier for those interested in starting an insect cultivation remains high, despite the efforts already made. A considerable amount of research has been conducted on the potential of insects within the circular context. However, this research often limits itself to laboratory-scale results, complicating the implementation of these findings within the insect sector. Additionally, potential breeders lack practical experience with insects and company-specific data. All of this contributes to a higher risk to necessary investments.

A mobile breeding installation, consisting of multiple modules, can act as a catalyst in this regard. The InsectMobil is placed on traditional farms so that farmers and other interested parties can gain firsthand experience in working with insects. In this way, they gain the necessary knowledge and experience in a low-threshold manner within their specific context. Furthermore, such an installation serves as an ideal demonstration and communication tool aimed to transfer knowledge to other interested parties.

The mobile breeding installation is equipped with sensors to measure emissions such as ammonia, CO2, methane, particulate matter, etc. These data provide relevant information from practical situations, not only for researchers and breeders but also for governments. On the one hand, to make assessments of the feasibility of insect breeding in a specific context. On the other hand, with a view to evaluating permit applications and the implementation of insect breeding within a circular context.

InsectMobil focuses on the rearing of the yellow mealworm and black soldier fly.

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