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Optimisation of production and processing of microalgae 


From until

The MAESTRO project is committed to the  production optimisation of microalgae as alternative, sustainable protein source. The aim of MAESTRO is to develop a block chain and upscale production and processing of microalgae by implementing obtained knowledge from, among other projects, 'Grass2Algae'. For example, grass juice and rinse water from the poultry industry can serve as a medium for microalgae, which valorises these by-products.

This project contributes to the 'more alternative proteins' objective of the Flemish Protein Strategy.


Anko Projects/Agraqua, Heirbaut aLgriculture, Rijtak bv, Proefbedrijf pluimveehouderij, Proviron, Bodec, Bond Beter leefmilieu, United Experts

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