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Scientific publications

Document type Title Author Date Category Link
Scientific paper

Make it a standard? The creation and variability assessment of a consensus standard protocol for Tenebrio molitor larvae feeding trials

D. Deruytter, C.I. Rumbos, C. Adamaki-Sotiraki, L. Tourni, V. Ageorges, C.L. Coudron, W. Yakti, C. Ulrichs, T. Spranghers , S. Berrens, M. Van Peer, S. Bellezza Oddon , I. Biasato 05/11/2024
Scientific paper

The Nutritional Quality of Commercially Bred Yellow Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) Compared to European Union Nutrition Claims

Isabelle Noyens, Meggie Van Peer, Sarah Goossens, Carmen Ter Heide and Sabine Van Miert 05/10/2024
Scientific paper

Overview of in vitro-in vivo extrapolation approaches for the risk assessment of nanomaterial toxicity

Rahmasari Nur Azizah, Geert R. Verheyen, Ziv Shkedy, Sabine Van Miert 30/07/2024
Scientific paper

Optimizing substrate moisture content for enhanced larval survival and growth performance in Hermetia illucens: exploring novel approaches

L. Frooninckx, L. Broeckx, S. Goossens, A. Wuyts & S. Van Miert 24/06/2024
Scientific paper

Ammonia emissions related to black soldier fly larvae during growth on different diets

C.L. Coudron, S. Berrens, M. Van Peer, D. Deruytter, J. Claeys, and S. Van Miert 02/03/2024
Scientific paper

Towards good practices for research on Acheta domesticus, the house cricket

M. Van Peer, S. Berrens, C. Coudron, I. Noyens, G.R. Verheyen, and S. Van Miert 07/02/2024
Scientific paper

Testing for in vitro genetic toxicity in high dimensional nanomaterial dose-response experiments

Rahmasari Nur Azizah, Geert R. Verheyen, Ziv Shkedy & Sabine Van Miert 22/02/2024

Insect as food and food ingredients: current status of insect farming for food application (chapter 2)

Van Peer, M., Van Miert,S. 01/12/2023
Scientific paper

The Impact of Non-Concentrated Storage on the Centrifugation Yield of Microchloropsis gaditana: A Pilot-Scale Study

Verspreet J., Schoeters F., Bastiaens L. 17/01/2024
Scientific paper

Spatio-temporal techno-economic assessment of the algae-based supply chain: A proof-of-concept for North-West Europe

De Meyer A., Bastiaens L., Schoeters F., Van Dael M. 13/11/2023
Scientific paper

The need for dedicated pilot plant infrastructure for insect rearing and processing: a case-study from Belgium

L. Frooninckx, J. De Smet, S. Van Miert and M. Van Der Borght 13/10/2023
Scientific paper

Standardising black soldier fly larvae feeding experiments: an initial protocol and variability estimates. Insects as Food and Feed

D. Deruytter , L. Gasco , W. Yakti, H. Katz, C.L. Coudron, A. Gligorescu, L. Frooninckx, I. Noyens, J.J.A. Van Loon, M. Meneguz, F. Grosso, S. Bellezza Oddon, I. Biasato, M. Mielenz, T. Veldkamp, G.W. Vandenberg, D.G.A.B. Oonincx and G. Bosch 01/10/2023
Scientific paper

Biological nitrogen recirculation to food protein – A review

Shahida Anusha Siddiqui, Daniel Pleissner, Agris Pentjuss, Janusz Gołaszewski f, Anna Karwowska f, Elina Dace g i, Maximillian Pahmeyer a, Sabine Van Miert, Lotte Frooninckx, Laurens Broeckx, Volker Heinz, Sergiy Smetana 15/09/2023
Scientific paper

The potential of black soldier fly to recycle nitrogen from biowaste

Lotte Froonickx, Siebe Berrens, Laurens Broeckx and Sabine Van Miert 26/08/2023
Scientific paper

Pilot-scale cultivation of the red alga Porphyridium purpureum over a two-year period in a greenhouse

Schoeters, F., Spit J., Swinnen E., De Cuyper, A., Vleugels, R., Noyens, I., Van Miert, S. 02/08/2023
Scientific paper

The nutritional profile, mineral content and heavy metal uptake of yellow mealworm reared with supplementation of agricultural sidestreams

Isabelle Noyens, Floris Schoeters, Meggie Van Peer, Siebe Berrens, Sarah Goossens & Sabine Van Miert 18/07/2023
Scientific paper

Effect of heat treatment on microbiological safety of supermarket food waste as substrate for black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens)

Van Looveren, N., Verbaet, L., Frooninckx, L., Van Miert, S., Van Campenhout, L., Van Der Borght, M., Vandeweyer, D. 01/06/2023
Scientific paper

The Application of Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) Oil in Cosmetic Formulations

G.R. Verheyen, F. Meersman, I. Noyens, S. Goossens, S. Van Miert 18/01/2023
Scientific paper

Microalgal cultivation on grass juice as a novel process for a green biorefinery

F. Schoeters, E. S.J. Thoré, A. De Cuyper, I. Noyens, S. Goossens, S. Lybaert, E. Meers, S. Van Miert, M. Fernandes de Souza 01/01/2023
Scientific paper

Mutual Influence between Polyvinyl Chloride (Micro)Plastics and Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens L.)

Lievens, S., Poma, G., Frooninckx, L., Van der Donck, T., Seo, J.W., De Smet, J., Covaci, A., Van Der Borght, M. 25/09/2022
Scientific paper

Determining the Effect of Different Reproduction Factors on the Yield and Hatching of Tenebrio Molitor Eggs

L. Frooninckx, S. Berrens, M. Van Peer, A. Wuyts, L. Broeckx, S. Van Miert 08/07/2022
Scientific paper

Pilot-Scale Cultivation of the Snow Alga Chloromonas typhlos in a Photobioreactor

F. Schoeters, J. Spit, R. Nur Azizah, S. Van Miert 09/06/2022
Scientific paper

Impact of Particle Size on Toxicity, Tissue Distribution and Excretion Kinetics of Subchronic Intratracheal Instilled Silver Nanoparticles in Mice. 

F. Rosário, J. Creylman, G. Verheyen, S. Van Miert, C. Santos, P. Hoet, H. Oliveira 18/05/2022
Scientific paper

Insects as Diet and Therapy: Perspectives on Their Use for Combating Diabetes Mellitus in Tanzania

G.R. Verheyen, L. Pieters, S. Maregesi, S. Van Miert 08/12/2021
Scientific paper

Growth of Black Soldier Fly larvae reared on organic sidestreams

Broeckx L, Frooninckx L, Slegers L, Berrens S, Noyens Isabelle, Goossens S, Verheyen G, Wuyts A, Van Miert S. 23/11/2021
Scientific paper

Valorisation potential of using organic side streams as feed for Tenebrio molitor, Acheta domesticus and Locusta migratoria

​Van Peer M, Frooninckx L, Coudron C, Berrens S, Alvarez C, Deruytter D, Verheyen G, Van Miert S 05/09/2021
Scientific paper

Real-time Monitoring of Microalgal Biomass in Pilot-Scale Photobioreactors Using Nephelometry

Eli S.J. Thoré, F. Schoeters, J. Spit, S Van Miert 28/08/2021
Scientific paper

Waste Is the New Wealth – Recovering Resources From Poultry Wastewater for Multifunctional Microalgae Feedstock

Eli S.J. Thoré, F. Schoeters, A. De Cuyper, R. Vleugels, I. Noyens, P. Bleyen, S. Van Miert 06/07/2021

Basics of edible insect rearing: production practices (chapter 4)

C.L. Coudron, D. Deruytter, M. Van Peer, T. Spranghers, S. Van Miert and J. Claeys 01/01/2021
Scientific paper

Glycine-acyl surfactants prepared from black soldier fly fat, coconut oil and palm kernel oil

G.R. Verheyen, M. Theunis, S. Vreysen, T. Naessens, I. Noyens, T. Ooms, S. Goossens, L. Pieters, K. Foubert, S. Van Miert 09/04/2020
Scientific paper

Development of a classification model for the antigenotoxic activity of flavonoids

Emmy Tuenter, Jan Creylman, Geert Verheyen, Luc Pieters, Sabine Van Miert 01/05/2020
Scientific paper

Consumer perception of insects in non-food products

M. Lenaerts, F. Meersman , G.R. Verheyen, S. Van Miert 25/07/2019
Scientific paper

Risks related to the presence of Salmonella sp. during rearing of mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) for food or feed: Survival in the substrate and transmission to the larvae

Wynants E, Frooninckx L, Van Miert S, Geeraerd A, Claes J, Van Campenhout L. 01/06/2019
Scientific paper

Mining a Nanoparticle Dataset, Compiled Within the MODENA-COST Action

Creylman J, Verheyen GR, Van Miert S. 01/01/2019

EU US Roadmap Nanoinformatics, chapter 6 Nanochemoinformatics and Statistical Modelling

Tomasz Puzyn, Geert Verheyen, Sabine Van Miert, Baoshan Xing, Sarfraz Iqbal, Qing Zhao, Vladimir Lobaskin, Gianpietro Basei, Anastasios G. Papadiamantis, Yoram Cohen 15/11/2018
Scientific paper

Insects as an alternative  source for the production of fats for cosmetics

Verheyen GR, Ooms T, Vogels L, Vreysen S, Van Miert S, Meersman F. 28/03/2018
Scientific paper

Assessing the microbiota of black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) reared on organic waste streams on four different locations at laboratory and large scale

Wynants E, Frooninckx L, Crauwels S, Verreth C, De Smet J, Sandrock C, Wohlfahrt J,  Van Schelt J, Depraetere S, Lievens B, Van Miert S, Claes J, Van Campenhout L. 14/11/2018
Scientific paper

Testing the mutagenicity potential of chemicals

Verheyen GR, Van Deun K, Van Miert S.  15/05/2017
Scientific paper

Evaluation of in silico tools to predict the skin sensitisation potential of chemicals. SAR and QSAR 

Verheyen GR, Braeken E, Van Deun K, Van Miert S.  20/01/2017
Scientific paper

Evaluation of existing (Q)SAR models for skin and eye irritation and corrosion to use for REACH registration

Verheyen GR, Braeken E, Van Deun K, Van Miert S. 04/01/2017


Document type Title Author Date Category Link

ValuSect WP5 - Literature review: defining knowledge gaps on the sustainable production of insects for feed

Meggie Van Peer, Carl Coudron, Carlos Alvarez, Jelle Adema, Alison Kingston-Smith and Sabine Van Miert 27/06/2022

Onderzoek frass - restsubstraat van insectenkweek

OVAM 11/03/2022

ValuSect WP2 - Literature review: processing of insects as a whole or as fractions

Isabelle Noyens, Sabine Van Miert, Christine Brombach, Manuela Rossi, Nathalie Haas, Manfred Beckman, Carlos Alvarez, Eduarda Neves, Natalia Naranjo-Guevara, Kim Garrelts, Sonja Floto-Stammen, Marcel Roosen 01/10/2021

ValuSect WP1 - Literature search on sustainable production of insects for food

Meggie Van Peer, Carl Coudron, Carlos Alvarez, Alison Kingston-Smith, Kristof Severijns, Geert Verheyen, Natalia Naranjo Guevara, Lotte Frooninckx, Sabine Van Miert 29/09/2021

Entomospeed - Groei, voederconversie en afvalreductie van BSF-larven gekweekt op mycelium van Aspergillus niger

Lotte Frooninckx, Ann Wuyts, Meggie Van Peer 01/11/2018

Entomospeed - Groei, voederconversie, afvalreductie en samenstelling van BSF larven gekweekt op swill (3)

Lotte Frooninckx, Meggie Van Peer 01/04/2018

Entomospeed - Groei, voederconversie en afvalreductie van BSF larven gekweekt op swill (2) 

Lotte Frooninckx, Ann Wuyts 01/12/2017

Entomospeed - Groei, voederconversie, afvalreductie en samenstelling van BSF larven (1)

Lotte Frooninckx, Mik Van Der Borght & Laurens Broeckx 01/10/2017

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