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The More ICE Awards is the perfect place to expand your perspective as an entrepreneurial student. You'll discover how collaborations across studies unlock a whole host of new opportunities.

Dries Augustyns, 2022

December 5, 2024

Night of the entrepreneurial student

Every year we challenge students during the Night of the Entrepreneurial Student. Students receive an evening challenge from a company. You'll be immersed in brainstorming techniques, then take the first steps in a business model canvas, then in the early hours get your pitch ready. In the morning, teams pitch as if their lives depended on it and the winner goes away with a great prize.  This event is open to all students from all programs and all campuses. This event is supported by the Office Management program. 

Save the date! December 5, 2024


February, 2025

Creators Night

Will you come up with a solution to a Mechelen company's challenge? Get to know local businesses and go along with their strategy. Maybe you know the way to increase their sales, attract more visitors or boost their social media profile. Real companies with real questions and you spend an evening working on the solution! 

We have already collaborated with Circolito, Cristina's kitchen, Optical infinity, Peloton de Paris, De handleiding, de brillenman, Kabas, De vleeshalle,...


May, 2025

More ICE awards

At Thomas More, we have an eye for everyone with ICE talent. What's more, you can win a More ICE Award and great prizes for yourself and your course. Have you developed an innovative or creative project within your course? Or are you working on your own idea or business? Start dreaming of that €500, that tailor-made advice and that professional video in which your project and your education are central!

Want to know more? Check the site and save the date!
