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Support package caring neighborhood analysis

A comprehensive, step-by-step guide for conducting accessible neighborhood analyses

This support package is the result of the ‘Caring villages’ project, which ran from 2019 to 2020. In this project, Vonk3 (Thomas More) and P.PUL (KU Leuven) worked together with the support and cooperation of the Province of Antwerp. We designed and tested the package with 10 pilot municipalities: Aartselaar, Herentals, Herenthout, Hoogstraten, Grobbendonk, Laakdal, Lille, Olen, Oud-Turnhout, and Vorselaar.

Please note that the support package contains links to external websites that may change or become inactive over time. If you find a broken link or any errors in the package, please let us know. We hope you enjoy using the package and creating your caring neighborhood analysis!

Authors: Leen Heylen, Willemien Van Damme, Joke Coussement & Pascal De Decker
Cover & layout: shtick 
With the support of: Province of Antwerp


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