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Everyone participates

Our goal is to improve the quality of life of people with care or support needs. We achieve this through our innovative research in physical, psychological and social areas.  By focussing on prevention, rehabilitation and ongoing support, we strive to enable full societal inclusion for everyone.

Twee onderzoekers installeren de staprobot

Various areas of expertise combined

We start from a multidisciplinary perspective, meaning we approach our research from different perspectives. An engineer, an occupational therapist, a speech therapist, a sociologist, a nurse... Each brings a unique perspective to the exploration of innovations. The diversity of viewpoints ensures the attainment of  optimal results. We not only develop innovations, but also rigorously assess and test them in practical settings.

Meet our team
Onderzoekers en eindgebruikers rond de tafel

Practical research

We are a research group of the Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, operating within the Care and Well-being Centre of Expertise. We maintain close collaborations with various stakeholders, including industry professionals, educators, government entities and end-users domestically and internationally.

Mobilab & Care is embedded in several prominent health networks, such as Modem (Expert Network for Assistive Technology), AAATE (Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe), ISPO (International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics), the rehabilitation centre To Walk Again and Mitsanto (a spin-off company that provides meals for elderly people with swallowing difficulties).

Thanks to the VLAIO subsidy programme "Blikopener", we  are able to offer complimentary, preliminary, and easily accessible advice tailored to the specific question or need of your organisation or company. Leveraging our extensive experience gained from Flemish and European projects, we are also well-equipped to assist you in your quest for potential grant opportunities.

Wondering if our research could be of benefit to your company? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are eager to explore potential collaborations on how our research can be of value to your endeavors.

Please contact us
Twee onderzoekers aan de slag met 3D-scanner

Our research themes within 'A caring and inclusive society'

Our research themes within 'Technology for smarter care'


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