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Motion analysis and biomechanics

Testing and developing assistive devices

Within Mobilab & Care, we have an extensive testing infrastructure. We utilize this infrastructure, firstly, to analyze movements, and secondly, to test orthopaedic and other assistive devices. This provides us with ample opportunities, not only to assess existing aids, including orthopaedic, occupational therapy-related, preventive, and exoskeletons used in workplace environments, but also to continuously evaluate the performance and functionality throughout the design phase of new devices.

Testing with our robotic gait simulator

Through our (bio-)mechanical tests, we examine various aspects, including the stiffness and strength characteristics of existing devices. We are also capable of replicating the same movement pattern over an extended duration. For example, we conducted fatigue tests on newly developed prostheses using our robotic gait simulator, subjecting them to several million gait cycles. Additionally, we were able to validate new measurement systems by verifying their ability to recognize the specified kinematic pattern.


In addition to our "in vivo" testing, we conduct simulations. Finite element and musculoskeletal simulations provide us with the capability to pre-simulate the functionality of devices.

Lastly, we apply all this knowledge when designing or improving existing devices. For instance, we have developed an elbow exoskeleton suitable for rehabilitation purposes and, upon request from occupational therapists, we have crafted personalized aids for use by their clients.

Testpersoon rent door ganglabo


How can we assist you?

Have you designed a new assistive device and need it to be tested? Or can we assist you in the development of a new device?

Contact us
Twee onderzoekers onderzoeken met sensoren de bewegingsanalyse

Our researchers

Programme coordinator

Veerle Creylman

For all your questions about the programme. +32 14 74 10 70

Kris Cuppens

Draws energy from processing, analysing and presenting data. Always in the mood for a board game.


Tom Saey

Passionate about automation of personalised 3D design, 3D scanning and 3D printing in healthcare applications.


Mario Broeckx

Researcher fascinated by technology, health and the power of breathing. Passionate cyclist and "Climber for Life".


Luiza Muraru

Curious about (bio)mechanical assessment of orthotics and prosthetics. Engaged in researching and implementing tailored and innovative solutions within orthopaedic technologies


Daniel Morales

Passionate about design and mechanisms, will 3d scan you and make you an exoskeleton if you let him.