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Caring Society (Vonk3)

Caring for each other

Enhancing well-being

We focus on caring neighbourhoods. We assist in conducting needs assessments and develop support packages for local authorities and organisations, empowering them to conduct their own well-informed and pertinent analyses to shape these caring neighbourhoods. Our research is also instrumental in combatting loneliness. Furthermore, we explore strategies to provide support to informal caregivers.

Diepte interview onderzoekers Mobilab & Care

How to create a caring neighbourhood analysis? Check out our support package

To the support package

News: SBO project on loneliness and the neighbourhood approved

In May 2022, we received the exciting news that our SBO application, titled 'A Lonely Planet? Addressing LONELIness from a PLAce-based perspective: research on the influence of Neighbourhood and EnvironmenT' was successfully approved by the Scientific Research Fund. Starting in October, we will enthusiastically embark on this four-year research project exploring the relationship between loneliness and the neighbourhood. This endeavor will be conducted in collaboration  with Prof Tine Van Regenmortel and Dr Jasper De Witte (HIVA, KU Leuven) and Prof Liesbeth De Donder (VUB). Stay tuned for more updates!

What can we do for you?

In our research, we leverage our extensive methodological expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research methods, as well as the development and assessment of practices. We translate the research findings derived from these studies into practical tools, methodologies and educational resources for both the professional field and academia.

You can rely on us for:

  • Practice-oriented research within our research themes
  • Designing and evaluating new practices
  • Conducting needs assessments and evaluation studies
  • Developing methodologies and comprehensive guides for practical application
  • Delivering training sessions
  • Providing lectures

Ongoing research and guidance:

  • Investigating caring neighbourhoods in Kasterlee (Tielen)
  • Offerig scientific guidance for the development of a life-course-resilient living environment in Olen (Olen local authority)
  • Conducting neighbourhood analysis and process guidance for the caring neighbourhoods De Wissel and the station neighbourhood in Turnhout (Care group Orion)
Get in touch
Onderzoekers bekijken samen met doelgroep het probleem

Our researchers


Leen Heylen

Fascinated by the topic of loneliness and its management and prevention.


Liesbet Lommelen

Fascinated by hands-on social science research & the search for working elements that promote connecting or supporting people, warm heart for vulnerable older people, gets energised by aha erlebnis.


Dorien Gryp

Loneliness researcher with a passion for public spaces. Always in the mood for a concert.


Birthe Sels

Social work researcher with a passion for fostering and enhancing care and well-being within our society.


Monica Wouters


Lise Switsers

Driven by curiosity, committed to contributing to a caring society, enjoys listening to life stories.


Wim Wouters


Herman De Pauw

A few realisations