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Inclusion of people with disability

Research conducted with and for the target audience

Actively engaging the target group

Our goal is to create an inclusive society where individuals with disabilities can also find meaningful and fulfilling roles. We contribute to this mission through our practice-oriented scientific research. Throughout our projects, we actively involve individuals with (intellectual) disabilities and their support networks to tap into their valuable experiential insights.

Our research encompasses various themes, spanning from e-inclusion and inclusive education to employment and leisure, as well as the utilization of cutting-edge technologies like immersive technology and 3D printed tools. Our aim is to enhance the participation of all individuals with support and care needs, and we collaborate closely with the Modem expert network for assistive communication technology.

Man werkt aan fiets binnen project Mobilab and Care

Expert Network Modem

Modem offers advice on tools that facilitate written, spoken, or digital communication, ensuring accessibility for all. We provide personalized guidance and offer professional development through in-service training in assistive communication technology. Our services are tailored to professionals, including speech therapists, occupational therapists, and more.

Discover Modem's Activities


Our researchers


Jo Daems

Occupational therapist inspired by individuals with disabilities, dedicated to creating an inclusive society through research.


Tessa Delien

Researcher and occupational therapist dedicated to promoting the inclusion and participation of individuals with disabilities. Everyone has the right to fully participate in our society.


Bert Bonroy

Fascinated by how technology can support care today and tomorrow.


Wim De Backer

Occupational therapist with a passion for technology that enables communication for people with disabilities


Inge Piedfort

Speech therapist fascinated by technology that supports communication, with the aim of creating an inclusive society