Bachelor’s degree student?
If you discontinue your studies (or change your programme, your ISP – Individual Study Programme -, your specialisation… ) at Thomas More, we may refund a part of the tuition fee (fixed & variable part).
Fixed costs of your tuition fee:
After the start of the academic year the fixed costs are not reimbursed.
Exception: non-EEA applicants in case of visa refusal.
Variable costs of your tuition fee:
Deregistration in the Autumn semester (start in September):
Variable part of the Autumn semester:
- Within 4 weeks of your registration or the start of the Autumn semester: fully reimbursed;
- Within 8 weeks of your registration or the start of the Autumn semester: half refund of the variable part of the Autumn semester
- After 8 weeks of your registration or the start of the Autumn semester: no refund.
Variable part of the Spring semester: fully reimbursed.
Deregistration in the Spring semester (start in February):
Variable part of the Spring semester:
- Within 4 weeks of your registration or the start of the Spring semester: fully reimbursed
- Within 8 weeks of your registration or the start of the Spring semester: half refund of the variable part of the Spring semester.
- After 8 weeks of your registration or the start of the Spring semester: no refund.
Postgraduate student?
If you discontinue your postgraduate studies, the tuition fee of your postgraduate programme will not be refunded.
Exception: non-EEA applicants in case of visa refusal, will receive a refund of 1000€ tuition fee.
Learning account
If you have taken all the exams of a course unit, you will recover the credits of that course unit if you were successful. If you did not succeed, you lose those credits.
For the course units of which you did not take all the exams, the following applies:
- when you deregister before December 1, you will fully recover the credits from your learning account.
- when you deregister between 1 December and 15 March, the credits of the second semester will be added back to your learning account. If you are enrolled in Flemish higher education for the first time this academic year ànd you are moving on to a new programme, also half of the credits from the first semester and year course units for which you do not yet take the exam will be added back to your learning account.
- when you deregister after 15 March, you can never recover your learning account.
Please note! If you are registered with a credit contract, and you want to deregister, you will always lose the used credits from your learning account.