Financing education is a significant investment for many students and families. Along with tuition fees, there are several other expenses that can add up quickly, including textbooks, accommodation, meals, transportation, and personal expenses. Understanding the financial cost of attending college is essential for you as a prospective student and your family to plan your budget strategically. This page can also help you to explore different financial aid and scholarship options available to you.
These estimates are based on research of the study and living costs by our Centre for Budget Advice and Research (our research group linked to the Bachelor programme in social work of Thomas More). This information is provided to ensure that you are fully aware of the likely costs of your study. Therefore we advise you to consider them very carefully.
These are the likely living costs (accommodation, food, personal items, social activities, study cost without tuition fees and transport) for a single, full-time degree student:
You may need to make additional provision for costs such as a student visa, international travel to and from your study location and internships. For some of our programmes you'll also need to purchase specific study materials.