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This guide will introduce you to the neighborhood budget methodology and show you how this participatory approach can help create more caring neighborhoods. It also gives special attention to the role of the process facilitator. In the practical section, you will find useful tools and expert advice for implementing neighborhood budgets.

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A neighborhood budget is a fixed amount of money that is made available to the neighborhood. The residents of the neighborhood use this money to start initiatives that make the neighborhood more caring.

For example, they might set up benches or a tent for socializing, create marked hiking trails and brighten up the neighborhood. The main idea of a neighborhood budget is that the local residents know what is best for their neighborhood. Therefore, they have the freedom and power to make decisions and are seen as equal partners in shaping their neighborhood.

The thinking and action guides of Vonk3 @ Thomas More offer a mix of insights, methods and tips. They are aimed at practitioners in care and well-being. Other volumes in the series include “Mantelkracht” (Caring power) and “Het kleine helpen” (Small acts of help).



Liesbet Lommelen

Fascinated by hands-on social science research & the search for working elements that promote connecting or supporting people, warm heart for vulnerable older people, gets energised by aha erlebnis.