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Joeri Dehouwer

Sustainable Business and Digital Innovation

Joeri Dehouwer is a researcher in Digital Media Experiences with a passion for game design, creativity, co-creation and trendwatching. The future is already here, you just have to learn to see it!

About Joeri

You can't solve tomorrow's problems with yesterday's thinking. I am always looking ahead to spot new trends and practical ideas in a world of constant change.

I firmly believe that the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself. To this end, I like to work with experimental research and design methods such as trendwatching, co-creation workshops, rapid prototyping, generative artificial intelligence, etc.... with the needs of both the creator and the end user in mind.

During my 12 years at Cartamundi as a technologist, creative strategist and game developer, I discovered numerous methods and processes that activate the creative potential and imagination of teams. Perhaps the most important discovery was the potential of games - whether physical, digital or combined - to let people experience new concepts and technologies. Because play really is the highest form of enquiry.

My experience as a creative generalist is now being used as a researcher at Thomas More, with the theme 'Digital Media Experiences'. With the UNTAPPED project, we give students and professionals a practical introduction to the possibilities of content repurposing in the media and content marketing sector. And what the future holds... you can always contact me about that.