From until
A survey about informal care in Flanders.
The central purpose of this research is to obtain a recurring numerical image of various informal care forms among Flemish people aged 18 and older. To establish changes over time, it is intended to repeat this survey research every 4 to 5 years.
We focus on informal care as a process, which means that we map both the determinants of providing and receiving (potential) informal help, the current practices, and consequences.
Our role in the project is that of co-promoter due to our expertise in informal care and caring neighborhoods. The project is led by UA, other co-promoters are HOGent and KULeuven. The research is part of the Steunpunt WVG of which Thomas More is a partner.
Fascinated by hands-on social science research & the search for working elements that promote connecting or supporting people, warm heart for vulnerable older people, gets energised by aha erlebnis.