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68 results found
Degree Programme

Applied Computer Science

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Degree Programme


Discover the full potential of trending technologies from smart electronics to connected devices and the internet of things.
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Degree Programme

International Business Management

A unique opportunity to study and live together with fellow students from around the world.

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Degree Programme

International Communication and Media

Become a fully qualified communication and media professional.

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Microcredential Collectie

Microcredentials voor HR-professionals en leidinggevenden

Duik in de boeiende wereld van Human Resources Management en Development.

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African Business Studies

A first-in-class curriculum in African Business.

Exchange Programme

Agriculture and Foodtechnology

Specialisation track of the English Bachelor's Degree Applied Computer Science

Application Development

Exchange Programme

Applied Architecture

Exchange Programme

Applied Computer Science

Exchange Programme

Applied Psychology

Specialisation track of the English Bachelor's Degree Applied Computer Science

Artificial Intelligence

Develop digital solutions for real-life problems!

English Bachelor's Degree

Automotive Technology

Become a future-proof automotive specialist!

Exchange Programme

Biochemistry & Biotechnology

Specialisation track of the English Bachelor's Degree International Communication and Media

Branding and Activation

Become a seasoned media and advertising pro.

Exchange Programme

Business Associate Degree

Exchange Programme

Business Associate Degree Antwerpen, Mechelen

Exchange Programme

Business Management

Exchange Programme

Communication Management