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Energy in buildings



The practice-oriented toolbox


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Currently, there is no unified and recognised method in Belgium for the designing and sizing of Sanitory Hot Water production installations. 

A recent survey within the group of sanitary installers clearly shows that there is a demand for such a method and also a need for user-friendly tools to help apply this method in practice.  

With this project, we want to establish such a unified and recognised method for the design and dimensioning of sanitary hot water production installations. A method that takes into account the function of the type of installation and its hydraulic components. With such a method, we can arrive at installations that are optimal for our comfort, energy and health.

When you want to apply this method, you also need the necessary tools (dimensioning tool, design guide, etc.) We are also developing these during this project. In this way we form the missing link between the existing more general approach and its broad application in practice. 

We target designers (installers, engineering firms) of sanitary hot water production installations in the residential sector and help them to innovate. In addition, we want to involve manufacturers of such installations and software developers of dimensioning programs in our project.

Such a unified method gives following advantages for the designers:

  • You can guarantee customer satisfaction by creating added value, a framework of trust and reducing discussions and conflicts.
  • Fewer interventions will be needed.
  • You can facilitate proper sizing (lower power) and the use of sustainable heat sources, such as heat pumps and heat pump boilers.
  • You can make new interesting assignments, both manufacturers and designers who can further develop their knowledge.
  • You can renovate your overdimensioned installations at an accelerated rate.


  • WTCB
  • Universiteit Antwerpen – EMIB



Simon Binnemans

Expertise in building energy technologies. Energy technology teacher.