Jean-Philippe van Dijck (PhD) has been a lecturer-researcher in the People and Well-being research group since 2016. He has expertise in cognitive skills, mathematical skills and cognitive neuropsychology.
Jean-Philippe van Dijck is a psychological consultant and experimental (neuro)psychologist with a PhD in psychology entitled "The cognitive mechanisms of spatial-numerical associations". He currently works as a lecturer and researcher at Thomas More, and is a (guest) professor at the Department of Experimental Psychology (Ghent University). His teaching includes the courses General Psychology, Methods of Psychological Research 1 and Neuropsychology. Besides fundamental research in the areas of numerical cognition, working memory, spatial cognition and maths anxiety, he uses these insights to understand individual differences in mathematical abilities. These insights are then used to create diagnostic tools and formulate recommendations for (school) psychologists and teachers.
In addition to his contribution to the PWO project "Pole Position for Mathematics", he is PhD supervisor and co-promoter on the FWO-INTER project: "Understanding the role of spatial number representations and spatial skills in mathematical abilities: From kindergarten to higher education". His neuropsychological research focuses on premorbid intelligence (i.e. the level of cognitive functioning prior to an acquired brain injury). For this, he is associated with the PWO project: "The development and standardisation of the Intellectual Status Questionnaire". He obtained the certificate "clinical neuropsychology" from Ghent University.