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Katrijn Van Parijs

Care and Well-being - People and Well-being

Katrijn Van Parijs has been a lecturer-researcher in the People and Well-being research group since 2013. She has expertise in diagnostics, test psychology, intelligence and neuropsychology.

About Katrijn

Katrijn Van Parijs is a researcher attached to the People and Well-being research group and a lecturer in the Applied Psychology programme at Thomas More. She teaches Practical School and Educational Psychology, Psychosocial Assistance to Persons with Disabilities and Rehabilitation Psychology. She is also principal investigator of the COVAT project, a series of Dutch-language cognitive ability tests for children, adolescents and adults based on the CHC model (Basic version, COVAT 9½-20 and COVAT-3).

She provides training on diagnostics and how the CHC model can translate into advice for practice. Within the Psychodiagnostic Centre (PDC), she is also point of contact for diagnostics in persons with disabilities, and neuropsychology. She is also a member of the Netoverstijgend Forum Diagnostiek (CLB) and has expertise in the field of preschoolers, children and adolescents with (multiple) disabilities.