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Re-integration guidance

health professional

The culmination of the vocational rehabilitation process is the provision of reintegration guidance.

As a treatment team, you present this guidance in collaboration with the individual, ensuring their consent and involving relevant stakeholders.

Within the reintegration advice, the treatment team outlines their perspective on the individual's (return to) work journey post vocational rehabilitation.

  • This perspective is informed by the individual's functional status (individual profile) post-rehabilitation and details regarding the job requirements (job profile).
  • With the individual's approval, healthcare professionals detail the diagnosis (ABI, duration of post-traumatic amnesia, test outcomes), treatment progression, and recovery expectations over time.

⚠️Please note

Individuals with ABI have the autonomy to decide whether to disclose their brain injury to others.

Therefore, it may be beneficial to focus solely on the opportunities and challenges in the guidance provided.

Depending on the recipient of the advice, additional information can be included, such as the outcomes of neuropsychological and other allied health assessments (e.g., physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy) within an individual profile, a job profile outlining trained skills and strategies, as well as conclusions and recommendations as per the Dutch guideline on ABI and labour participation (2022).

Detail how the individual can address challenges through strategies or aids.

Assess the feasibility of achieving the work objective.
