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Work with brain injury

Vocational rehabilitation

health professional


The vocational rehabilitation process, as outlined, is developed based on literature research, existing VR protocols in the Netherlands and Flanders, qualitative research, and collaboration with project partners. This methodology integrates principles from two Dutch VR protocols: Early Vocational Rehabilitation and the Round Table methodology. The process is divided into three iterative steps:

  • Identify the vocational need for help: This step involves clarifying the work-oriented assistance request of individuals with NAH.
  • Determine the distance to work: Here, the focus is on assessing the person's capabilities and the requirements of the work to determine feasibility.
  • Reduce the distance to work: This step involves progressively enhancing the individual's ability to work.

Workplace rehabilitation, on the other hand, aims to guide and support injured workers for a safe return to work after an injury.

  • It involves programs like Supported Employment Programmes, on-the-job training, and collaborative rehabilitation efforts benefiting both workers and employers by facilitating faster recovery, minimal disruption, skill retention, and cost control.
  • These processes emphasise early intervention, tailored training based on job demands, gradual return to full-work levels, and individualised job-specific training to prepare individuals for suitable work opportunities.
  • The ultimate goal is to enhance productivity and confidence for a successful return to work


The goal of rehabilitation is to enhance the independence of individuals with health conditions and promote their active involvement in society, including workforce participation.

In Belgium, vocational rehabilitation (VR) is an integral part of overall rehabilitation services. This specialised form of rehabilitation targets individuals of working age facing obstacles in labour participation due to health issues, with a focus on enhancing their employment prospects (Escorpizo et al., 2011).

⚠️ Note: Belgium has federal and regional regulations governing labour reintegration and job retention, with various stakeholders involved.

👉 Click on any of the following questions for detailed information on vocational rehabilitation.

Preconditions for Vocational Rehabilitation


  • The individual requires assistance with work-related needs, indicating a willingness to return to work (paid or unpaid) without immediate readiness.
  • It is important to note that the vocational assistance request takes priority, allowing for the initiation of VR even in cases of ABI resulting from a workplace accident before consolidation or during temporary disability.
  • The individual's motivation to engage in the VR process is essential, along with their consent for involving relevant stakeholders
    • VR operates within a collaborative framework involving the treatment team, occupational physicians, and health insurance fund advisors.
  • The individual with ABI should demonstrate sufficient self-reliance in their home environment. Preconditions include:
    • Functioning with ABI: Ability to orient oneself in time and space, comprehend commands through various means, and utilize aids if necessary.

    • Trainability and learnability: Capability to perform actions or procedures after receiving information, with repeated guidance if needed.

    • Availability of rehabilitation sessions for vocational purposes.

  • These conditions ensure a structured approach to vocational rehabilitation tailored to the individual's needs and abilities.

🤝Collaboration is a key factor in VR


Partnership among the treatment team, workplace, occupational physician, health insurance fund advisor or back-to-work coordinator, and vocational mediators (VDAB and/or GTB) is crucial for effective collaboration.

Early involvement of the work environment, including the employer and occupational physician, is initiated with the individual's consent.

You can outline this collaborative approach to the individual using a consent form, where they authorise consultation with other stakeholders from the treatment team.

Collaboration results in involved stakeholders

  • The occupational physician possesses knowledge of the individual's health condition, its implications, and the work-oriented rehabilitation objectives. Through the updated reintegration program (Reintegration Program 2.0), the occupational physician can extend an invitation to the individual four weeks post-ABI occurrence as part of their information obligation.
  • As a healthcare professional, you communicate the impact of the health condition on work performance to the employer. You arrange a meeting with the employer/supervisor/colleague, potentially involving the occupational physician, to:
    • Discuss possibilities for returning to work.
    • Provide insights into work-related capabilities, anticipated challenges, and opportunities.

💡Tip: Utilise this consultation to gather details on job requirements (tasks, responsibilities), work environment specifics, and cognitive, physical, and emotional expectations. This information can be valuable in the vocational rehabilitation process.



In Belgium, there is no separate approval number or agreement required to start a VR process after an acquired brain injury.

However, if the brain injury is a result of an accident at work, approval from the occupational accident insurance company can be requested for the VR process

Non-European nationals who wish to work in Belgium generally need authorisation to work. This authorisation can be in the form of a work permit or a "single permit," which certifies the right to stay and work in Belgium. The application for authorisation should be submitted to Brussels Economy and Employment, depending on the specific situation and residence status of the individual.

VR: yes or no?

  • If an individual is unwilling or unable to initiate an VR process (e.g., due to the absence of rehabilitation sessions or logistical challenges in accessing the rehabilitation center), explore alternative options collaboratively. This may involve discussing possibilities such as a pre-return-to-work consultation with the occupational physician or referral to GTB for commencing a standard reintegration process.
  • In cases where the healthcare institution is unable to provide an VR process, consider referring the individual with ABI to a rehabilitation center that offers this service.