Assessment and intervention
How can we ensure that children and adults with communicative, cognitive or developmental challenges can participate in ...
In order to provide appropriate care to preschoolers who stutter, accurate advice and timely referral are essential. With this project, we aim to give healthcare professionals access to the most essential information about stuttering in preschoolers.
From until
Stuttering occurs in many preschool age children. In a large proportion of those preschool age children, stuttering also disappears again. However, recent findings show that we should not wait for this because it can have pernicious consequences. Correct advice and timely referral are essential to provide appropriate care.
General practitioners, pediatricians, nurses, preschool teachers and care coordinators have an important role in advising parents of preschool age children who stutter. Several recent studies have shown that the knowledge of these professionals is not always up-to-date. This project provides them the most essential information about stuttering in preschool age children.
What actions can you take when you get a request for help about stuttering?
What can you do when you have the impression that a child in your class stutters?
What can you do when you think your child stutters?
This information is certified by CEBAM.
Sabine Van Eerdenbrugh (PhD) has been a lecturer-researcher in the People and Well-being research group since 2014. An expert in stuttering, she is a member of the international LPTC and EBPracticeNet (Cebam).
Kurt Eggers has a BA in medicine, MA in speech therapy and audiology and PhD in biomedical sciences (KULeuven) and Developmental Psychology (U Tilburg). He is a researcher/teacher of stuttering and brodling at Thomas More.
Renke Sevenants startte in 2021 als docent Logopedie aan de Thomas More hogeschool. Ze begeleidt ook studenten op stage en bij hun bachelorproef.
Steffi Snijders is audioloog en logopediste, en werkt sinds 2022 voor Thomas More. Zij spitst zich toe op onderzoek over stotteren bij kleuters.
Diede Piedfort, alumnus of the education Speech-Language Pathology, Education Speech-Language Pathology, Thomas More
Laure Aernouts, alumnus of the education Speech-Language Pathology, Education Speech-Language Pathology, Thomas More
Lotte Bosmans, alumnus of the education Speech-Language Pathology, Education Speech-Language Pathology, Thomas More
Hafsa Bouzian, alumnus of the education Speech-Language Pathology, Education Speech-Language Pathology, Thomas More
Britt Beirinckx, alumnus of the education Speech-Language Pathology, Education Speech-Language Pathology, Thomas More
Lise Theys, alumnus of the education Speech-Language Pathology, Education Speech-Language Pathology, Thomas More
Aljana Van den Broek, alumnus of the education Speech-Language Pathology, Education Speech-Language Pathology, Thomas More
We thank everyone who is participating or has participated in this project, the participants of the focus group, Kaatje who provided the illustration, Domus Medica and Child & Family for their involvement.