What is Canvas?
Canvas is our digital learning environment for lessons, tests, exams, ... Each professor has a corresponding Canvas course for his/her subject. In this course on Canvas learning material such as slides, extra excercises, info about the exam, ... will be posted. Check it regulary!
Once you have entered an ISP (Individual Study Programme), the corresponding courses will be available in Canvas for you.
Important! Once your ISP is approved, you can no longer unsuscribe from the Canvas courses that are part of your ISP in Canvas. You can always freely enroll for additional Canvas courses, but these are not part of your ISP and therefore you have no right to take an exam of these courses. Your approved ISP is your real contract for the current academic year.
KU Loket and Canvas are two seperate applications, don't mix them up.
How to log in into Canvas?
You can access Canvas via this webpage. Log in with your Thomas More email adress (e.g. r0123456@student.thomasmore.be) and your personal password.
As from when do I have acces to Canvas?
After activating your account, it may take one to two days before your data is uploaded into the Thomas More digital learning environment.