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Inter-individual and cross-cultural differences in living lab research

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Sascha Vermeylen Panelmanager

01 February 2019

Have you ever wondered whether you can implement the same research protocol in different countries without having an impact on the outcome? Do you take inter-individual characteristics, such as age and gender, into account when organising a focus group in your country? At LiCalab, we are investigating which regional sensitivities we should take into account when designing international research protocols. If you are interested in cross-cultural and inter-individual differences as well, you could help us by providing data and we will happily share our findings with you!

LiCalab is currently running a study on cross-cultural differences in living lab research. Our survey maps elements that contribute to end-user participation in international living lab research. This information ensures better international collaboration in the future. Awareness of cross-cultural differences allows to design  methodologies that maximize the output of international studies. The results of the study will be published and shared with partners.

We would like to invite your living lab to participate in this survey. It will take about  35 minutes to complete. More information about the study and the link to participate can be found here:

Feel free to share the link with other living labs in your network!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact LiCalab via