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LiCalab conducts research on various topics within the field of healthcare and well-being. Curious about a particular study or methodology? Our research activities range from questionnaire studies, co-creation sessions, interviews, human factor studies to real life testing.

Dive into our scientific articles and research reports and get inspired. 

28 november 2022

Evaluation of a tactile breathing companion for sleep problems: a mixed method pilot study

Sleep problems, such as insomnia, are a common condition associated with significant health risks. Thus, prevention and treatment of sleep problems are essential for maintaining physical and mental health. Previous studies support the effectiveness of breathing guidance for sleep problems and recommend breathing exercises as an effective intervention for insomnia. Although new technologies can support breathing guidance, such new devices should be evaluated for effectiveness and usability to facilitate implementation and use. The current pilot study investigates the use of a mobile breathing device and examines its potential impact on subjective sleep quality.

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May 31, 2022 

How to establish a sustainable living lab

LiCalab has gained a lot of knbeing. We have experience in executing living lab projects with user-centered design research methods. This resulted in the publication 'Establishing a sustainable living lab'.owledge in setting up and operating a living lab for care and well-

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3 personen staan recht rond tafel op event

March 31, 2022 

[Vitalise] Rehabilitation Supported by Technology: Protocol for an international 'co-creation and user experience' research project

The Horizon 2020 Virtual Health and Wellbeing Living Lab Infrastructure (VITALISE) project aims to harmonize living lab procedures and open up living lab infrastructures to facilitate and promote research activities in the health and well-being domain in Europe and beyond. LiCalab is the work package leader of a collaborative research activity focused on the use of innovative technology for both rehabilitation interventions and data collection in a rehabilitation context. The current publication describes the planned research, consisting of co-creation activities and six small-scale pilots spread across 4 countries.

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Feb. 28, 2022 

Human Factors in Living Lab Research.

With our living lab research, we not only put the user's experience at the center but also want to focus on product safety. For example, it is important that a new medication packaging is not only pleasant to use but also reduces the likelihood of making medication errors. This is why we are putting a strong emphasis on what is called "human factors" research.

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Medicatie uitduwen

Jan. 31, 2022 

Vitalise: use cases on transition of acute care

In H2020 project Vitalise, 17 living labs from 11 countries are collaborating across borders in 3 use cases (Joint Research Activities) that reflect a patient's journey from acute care to care at home. Within each use case, co-creations and live tests are performed with real patients, caregivers and end-users. The participating living labs are deploying their specific research infrastructure for this purpose. The design of the research studies of two use cases was recently published.

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Co-creatie LiCalab

September 28, 2021 

Cross-cultural differences in user-centered research: An international living lab study

This study examines the extent to which living labs are aware of potential cross-cultural differences. The sample consists of 36 living labs from 20 countries, most focused on health and care, the silver economy and information technology. Regional differences are reported on participant motivation and the impact of gender, age, occupational status and socioeconomic status on participant contribution. Awareness of potential differences in recruitment and grouping and supporting equal contribution in sessions could improve the quality of user-centered research in international contexts, while still maintaining sufficient standardization.

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Wereldbol in hand

June 28, 2021 

Online consultations in mental health care at the time of corona

This publication examines the use of online consultations by mental health professionals during lockdown measures in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was conducted in several countries, including Belgium. The study provides an overview of the current needs and concerns of mental health professionals about the use of online consultations. It provides insights on the need for educational, instrumental and governmental support for future use.

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Vrouw doet mondmasker aan

May 12, 2021

ENoLL living lab projects 2020 - 5th edition

This 5th publication on living lab projects from ENoLL explores how Living Labs adapted their operations in a year dominated by the global pandemic. This publication shows inspiring examples of how Living Labs adapted their interaction with end users to a digital environment.

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April 29, 2021

Final report Synapps: a web application developed for and by CVA patients

In March 2020, AZ Geel started the project Synapps: a digital platform for CVA patients. In this process, LiCalab organized co-creation, an individual user test and a live test to include the experiences and ideas of patients and caregivers in the development of the platform. The research results were compiled in a final report.

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Persoon Die Apple Magic Mouse Houdt

March 30, 2021 

SEAS 2 Grow Strategic Action Plan Silver Economy

The Interreg 2 SEAS project SEAS 2 Grow (Silver Economy Accelerating Strategies 2 Grow) was completed at the end of February 2021 and provided a lot of interesting insights collected in a series of publications. In this publication, the partners describe a Strategic Action Plan to achieve a cross-border and sustainable alliance between the 4 regions involved and by extension other European regions through the model of the AgeTech Accelerator International.

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Twee personen geven een hand

Feb. 25, 2021

SEAS 2 Grow digital magazine

At the end of the SEAS 2 Grow (Silver Economy Accelerating Services to Grow) project, a beautiful digital brochure was compiled to highlight promising innovations for the Silver Economy. These innovations were evaluated during the four-year project by four cross border living labs, including LiCalab, through co-creation, testing and matchmaking with healthcare organizations and/or citizens.

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Feb. 09, 2021

CrossCare digital magazine

The CrossCare project was successfully concluded on Tuesday, February 2, 2021, with the organization of the final event 'InnoLearning: innovating together, learning together'. In the run-up to that event, we mapped the results of the project in a beautiful digital magazine. In the digital magazine we explain a number of concrete healthcare innovations that the participating companies, in cooperation with the living labs, realized within CrossCare.

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Samenwerken achter pc

Jan. 29, 2021

Eight effectiveness principles for careful technology

Rapid technological advances and the explosion of data use raise questions. Through foresight, a group of healthcare technology developers, researchers, healthcare providers and representatives of patient and family care associations arrived at eight guiding principles. A thoughtful set of eight principles that guide various forms of technological innovations aimed at improving health, quality of life, care and support.

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Map vol documenten

October 06, 2020 

Smart care technology in the home

The report echoes the City of Things project "Smart IoT technology linked to smart care delivery for lifelong living," short for "smart care technology in the home. Within VLAIO's City of Things program, cities and municipalities can receive project funds to prepare the procurement of concrete smart city applications. The intention is to create roadmaps that include lessons learned, business cases, templates ... to scale up these projects in other cities and municipalities.

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Oude straat

October 06, 2020 

Flemish UTAUT questionnaires

The Flemish UTAUT questionnaires help to better understand potential barriers to the implementation of technological applications, both among caregivers/end users and professionals.

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Vrouw vult vragenlijst in
