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LiCalab presents 2 papers and provides 2 workshops at ENoLL's Digital Livin

Sascha Vermeylen Panelmanager

25 August 2021

LiCalab is an active member of ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs). ENoLL organizes the annual international conference 'Open Living Lab Days' (OLLD). The conference brings together living labs around the world to share good practices, build networks and share scientific information. LiCalab will present two papers and we will organize two workshops. We talk about Human Factor studies, the SCIROCCO model and insights from the CrossCare project.

The first paper by colleague Nele discusses the usefulness of Human Factor Studies in living lab research. Human factors research is still in its infancy in healthcare and other fields but has the potential to allow organisations and living labs to assess and improve the quality of innovations while closely involving potential end users. Studies simulating challenging real-life circumstances in selected samples and using a multi-method approach can provide important insights for organisations and governments and allow for better and safer services for the end user. More information: click here.

Linked to this paper, Leen and Sascha will give a workshop about the design and use of Human Factors in practice. We will address many different questions in our workshop, such as when to use this method during your innovation process, what are the advantages and points of attention of this methodology, what about the sample of participants, how to get started with the test protocol and how to carry out the protocol. These aspects will be covered during the workshop and will provide participants with the necessary background and hands on experience to start designing their own Human Factors studies. More information: click here

The second paper by colleagues Vicky and Glenn, among others, is about the added value of cross-border living lab services for health care. It summarizes insights from the CrossCare project completed early 2020. Participating companies received tailored cross-border living lab services and this paper explores the added value of these cross-border living lab services for the health market. Companies had high expectations from the living labs regarding cross-border market insights, comprehension of the innovation domain, improved user acceptance and experience, product-market fit, and improved end-user insights. More information: click here.

The second workshop starts from the SCIROCCO model . This model assesses the maturity of an ecosystem for demand-driven innovation. We use the tool in the ACSELL project. In this project, seven European regions collaborate to accelerate innovation capacities with a living lab approach and to improve the demand-driven approach in their innovation policy. In ACSELL, SCIROCCI was implemented within the theme of Health and Social Care. However, the tool can also be used for other themes and domains where multi-stakeholder collaborations are necessary to create appropriate demand-driven innovation. More information: click here

More information on ENoLL can be found here. More information on the OLLD can be found here.