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LiCalab supports Ageing Fit - 29th and 30th January 2019

licalab supports ageing-fit affiche
Sascha Vermeylen Panelmanager

12 September 2018

Do not miss AgeingFit, the leading international business convention dedicated to innovation in the healthy ageing sector.

AgeingFit gathers nutrition industrials,  E-health, medical devices, services providers and academic research groups, as well as health insurers and retirement home with one goal in mind: to connect with potential business, research and financial partner with the objective to launch new products and services for the senior market.

AgeingFit combines:

  • One-to-one business meetings:  A business convention with pre-qualified meetings organised through the business convention platform
  • Conferences and roundtable discussions to discuss all the aspects of the healthy ageing sector
  • Innovation pitches: Innovative products and services will be presented, showcasing the latest innovations in the 50+ market
  • Exhibition: Ideally located at the centre of the event, the exhibition area enables participants to build an effective network, highlight their skills, services and innovations and enhance their visibility
