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SEAS 2 Grow Slotevent 26 and 27 January 2021

Sascha Vermeylen Panelmanager

21 January 2021

On January 26th & 27th, SEAS 2 Grow partners will be holding a two-day online event to draw the conclusions of 4 years of collaboration and launch AgeTech Accelerator International during the digital edition of the AgeingFit event.

After more than 4 years of collaboration, cross-borders services offered to more than 30 companies, 29 livetest sessions and many solutions that were tested and used by both dependent and independent seniors, SEAS 2 Grow partners invite you to the project's closing conference, which will also mark the launching of AgeTech Accelerator International, the cross-border living lab accelerator that resulted from the SEAS 2 Grow project!

Registration and programme here