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Motion analysis and biomechanics

Wearables and monitoring systems



Slowing down the development of Parkinson's disease through a better follow-up


From until

Supported by

Provinciale innovatiesubsidie van
Provincie Vlaams-Brabant


A digital platform is being developed in this project to collect data from the daily lives of people with Parkinson’s. By sharing that data with healthcare providers, care can be adjusted more quickly.


NeuroPath wants to offer a platform to store data from the daily lives of Parkinson’s patients and thus be able to follow up much more frequently. In this way, better insights are gained about the patient and these insights can be incorporated into the care plan.

NeuroPath thus offers a unique interface for collecting, storing and analyzing that data to communicate directly with patients, healthcare providers, medical researchers, health insurers, pharmaceutical companies and governments.


Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease, which means that the neurons in the nervous system are affected and those neurons cannot be replaced. The disease is therefore incurable to date.

It has been scientifically proven that the progression of the disease can be slowed down when the patient carefully follows an individual care plan of movement and medication. This is what this project focuses on.

Our role

Mobilab & Care contributes to the clinical validation of motion analysis tests in the gait lab, the measurement of exercises via cameras and the use of wearables


  • Neuropath
  • MC2BIS
  • KU Leuven –  Faber
  • U Centric

The province of Flemish Brabant supports this project with a provincial innovation subsidy.



Roy Sevit

Passionate about using technology that supports humans and all their discomforts, creative and out-of-the-box!

Research manager

Lieven De Maesschalck

Innovation manager for the team, end-user driven with the aim of creating impact at the intersection of technology and wellbeing.


Romy Sels

Specialised in using technology to optimise the rehabilitation process.


Bert Bonroy

Fascinated by how technology can support care today and tomorrow.