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Standing together against child poverty

Building a family-friendly Olen

Commissioned by municipality of Olen


From until

Participation of vulnerable families

Poverty is an injustice. That is why local government Olen wanted to fight child poverty and build a family-friendly Olen. In this project, we supported Olen in devising, setting up and implementing actions and measures to enable vulnerable families to participate in society. At the same time, we set up a consultation structure within which a local social policy for vulnerable families could be designed, monitored and evaluated in an integrated way.

The process is supported by a wide range of people: local government employees, welfare organisations active in Olen and vulnerable parents.

Supported objectives and actions

In the run-up to the launch, we asked all social actors active in Olen which existing actions and measures contribute to the social participation of vulnerable families. We also collected indicators of social vulnerability and social exclusion and mapped the extent of the problems and target groups.

We organised a training session for local government officials, Social House staff and all partners in the Olen House of the Child on what families with children need to participate fully in society. We then set up a steering committee that drew up the outlines of Olen's family policy and defined the priorities. Within this framework, working groups started to work to set up concrete actions and measures.

This steering committee and working groups included the local authority, various community partners and a large group of low-income parents. The process resulted in a set of objectives and actions in the form of an action plan, which was integrated into the multi-annual planning.
