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CrossRoads 2 Innovatieprojecten
How can a continuous and maximally valid risk assessment be done with the help of technology?
To develop an individual and continuous fall risk screening. We do this through continuous personal location determination, balance measurements and physiological parameters.
The fall risk screening that was developed in this project is specifically intended for elderly people with a psychiatric vulnerability. For this target group, the existing instruments are not suitable to make a valid fall risk assessment. At the same time, there is a very high fall incidence within this target group. This project wanted to do something about that.
Together with Ivengi Benelux NV, public psychiatric hospital OPZ Geel and COMeto, Mobilab & Care investigated how to maximize risk assessment. The Tinetti instrument was used as a reference. In the research, dynamic characteristics of gait patterns were measured using wearable position technology (Quuppa), as well as static balance tests. With the help of Quuppa position determination sensors, the position of the participants was continuously measured. This way, the walking speed was calculated under strictly defined conditions, correlated to the fall risk score.
We investigated the acceptance rate (e.g. wearing wearables) in the vulnerable target group and how that could be optimized. The acceptance level of technology turned out to be optimal in this vulnerable target group.
Finally, it was investigated how such a system can fit into a broad framework in the work processes of a care environment.
Researcher committed to introducing technology in (mental) health care for young and old.