On 20 February 2024, the first Health & Wellbeing Living Lab Symposium will take place in Brussels. The morning will be devoted to the results of the Vitalise project, while in the afternoon researchers and practitioners selected through an open call will share their research and experience in living lab research.
During the first Health & Wellbeing Living Lab Symposium on 20 February in Brussels, we will showcase the results of the VITALISE project. Over the past three years, 19 international organisations and living labs from the health and well-being sector worked on harmonising living lab services and procedures. At the same time, within the project, we opened up research infrastructures to European researchers as living labs.
The results of VITALISE raise the quality of living lab research to a higher level and show why involving communities in living labs are powerful tools for research.
This concluding symposium will introduce us to the results of concrete living lab research and, together with the European Commission and others, look ahead to the next steps within living lab research and open research infrastructures.
More practical information can be found here.