The VITALISE consortium together with ENoLL are glad to announce the organization of the event entitled “Health and Wellbeing Living Lab symposium” that will be held in Brussels, Belgium on the 20th of February 2024.
The forthcoming symposium is dedicated to showcasing the outcomes of the VITALISE project, which focuses on harmonizing Living Lab services and procedures while recognizing Living Labs as integral Research Infrastructures.
Over the past three years, a collaborative effort among Living Labs in Health has actively demonstrated the significance of Living Labs as Research Infrastructures, effectively representing the global Living Lab community. The work undertaken in VITALISE aligns with the overarching vision of Living Labs developed over the last 15 years, manifesting in project results that advance the recognition and quality of harmonized Living Labs.
The symposium’s primary objective is to engage in collective reflection with the European Commission and relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries of Research Infrastructures. The aim is to discuss and plan the next steps toward a new era where Research Infrastructures are open and actively involve communities as powerful tools for co-research.
A second objective is to showcase completed or on-going research conducted within one or more Living Labs. This can be done through an oral presentation or a panel discussion/roundtable to the Symposium.
Want to participate? Register here.
Are you a living lab researcher or a practitioner? Would you be interested in sharing your experience and one of your projects?
If you have a case study, a piece of research or ongoing project you would like to share with the Living Lab community, we encourage you to submit an abstract or proposal for panel discussion/roundtable to the Symposium.
You can submit 2 different types of contributions:
The call encourages contributions related, but not limited to the following topics:
Research abstract
This category includes research abstracts presenting clear results, Living Lab practices and experiences as part of Living Lab (EU) projects, innovations supporting Living Lab practices or research in progress.
Participants are encouraged to submit an abstract following the guidelines below:
Proposal for organization of panel discussion or round table
This category includes proposals for organization of a panel discussion or round table on a specific topic related to the symposium topics, that will last 45 minutes.
Participants are encouraged to submit a proposal following the guidelines below:
How to apply
Click here to download the files. In the final submission please include the corresponding template AND the filled excel file. Send the filled Excel file and your proposal to VITALISEsubmissions@enoll.org with Subject VITALISE Open call – [your name]. Deadline for submissions: 26 January 2024
Submitted contributions will be peer-reviewed by referees assigned by the Scientific Steering Committee for acceptance or rejection. Evaluators are chosen jointly by the Scientific Steering Committee and ENoLL Director.
The Scientific Steering Committee is co-chaired by:
The Scientific Steering Committee is consists of:
If you have any questions regarding your submission please contact: eva.kehayia@mcgill.ca, info@vitalise-project.eu