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Technological and digital applications in care and well-being

A guide

Flemish care providers within welfare and health abruptly, and often for the first time, turned to technology due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which, among other things, allowed them to guarantee continuity of care.  Image calling, in particular, was used en masse. There is an expectation that this sudden digitalisation could mark a turning point for both care providers and their clients in the place that technological applications can take within care. However, it is not easy for professionals to assess which applications are most suitable for the specific setting in which they work.


From until

Supported by

Steunpunt Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin


These reports are only available in dutch.

Eindrapport technologische en digitale toepassingen in zorg & welzijn - een richtingwijzer (EF73)
Samenvatting technologische en digitale toepassingen in zorg & welzijn - een richtingwijzer (EF73)



Eva Van Assche

Eva Van Assche (PhD) is a lecturer-researcher in the People and Well-being research group, research line Psychology and technology. She focuses on how digital applications (e.g., applications) can contribute to mental health care.


Nele De Witte

Nele De Witte (PhD) is a researcher in the People and Well-being research group, research line Psychology and technology. Her areas of expertise include wearables and XR. She is also the scientific coordinator of LiCalab.


Steven Joris

Steven Joris (MSc) has been a researcher in the People and Well-being research group since 2017. He has expertise in diagnostics, test psychology and mental health policy.

Research line coordinator

Tom Van Daele

Tom Van Daele (PhD) is research coordinator Psychology and technology in the People and Well-being research group. As a clinical psychologist, he conducts research on the added value of technology within mental health care.

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