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Partner meeting ACE in Denmark: how to organize the home care of the future

Annouck De Cat Panelmanager

The partner meeting of the ACE project ensured good coordination between the partners' activities. The aim of the ACE project is to accelerate innovation in home care. Facing the same direction, the partners will map the needs of home care in the national care context in the autumn.

The growing number of care users and long-term demand for high-quality care cannot be sustained. In addition, Europe is facing a shortage of caregivers. By targeted use of technology and/or adaptation of care processes, the ACE project responds both to these common challenges and to the specific needs of home care stakeholders in the different European countries.

LiCalab will map the needs of the Flemish stakeholders in the autumn. Afterwards, the results from the different European countries will be brought together and we will analyze the European and country-specific needs. This valuable information will form the basis for linking healthcare needs to technologies later in the project (matchmaking). 

The meetings took place in the inspiring DOKK1 building: a government building that houses a library, cultural center, play areas for children, workshop rooms and a demo room with care innovations. It is a nice and accessible meeting point where visitors can unleash their creativity and meet the future in the present. We also visited 'the house of generations'. In this intergenerational house residents of all ages, mobile and less mobile residents live together in a brand new living concept.

With great enthusiasm, we are ready to take the next steps within the project. For the next partner meeting, LiCalab welcomes all partners in Flanders!

ACE is part of the European Commission's Interreg Europe North Sea Region program.

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