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  • How can you recognize loneliness?
  • How can you focus on tackling and preventing loneliness?
  • What can a neighborhood do in tackling and preventing loneliness?
Ongoing project

Loneliness and the neigborhood

With this research we want to gain insight into the impact of the neighborhood on feelings of loneliness. The influence of gender, personality and life course on loneliness has been extensively researched, but little is known about what role the neighborhood plays.

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Ongoing project

Loneliness interventions in Flanders mapped out

With this research we want to map interventions in Flanders that focus on tackling loneliness.

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Attention for loneliness

Our researchers developed an online workbook 'Oog voor Eenzaamheid'. That will familiarize you with the theme of loneliness. It focuses on students, professionals in healthcare and welfare, volunteers... Through three modules with information, exercises and inspiration, you will become more expert in the prevention and approach of loneliness.

See the online workbook

Researcher Leen Heylen in #vraagaandewetenschap, a scientific question aimed at the general public


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