Debt settlement in dignity One of our dreams was to make our reference budgets available to the debt mediation sector. With ...
Working together for financial well-being and a strong support system for budget and debt management
Financial well-being is at the heart of the Money and Behaviour theme. It means being able to meet your financial commitments, having confidence in your financial future and being able to choose the things that bring you joy in life. In this area of our expertise, we explore the precursors to financial well-being. We develop tools for (vulnerable) consumers and caregivers who want to use their budget and debt counselling to focus on becoming and staying debt-free.
In the consumer society we live in, money plays an important role. The digital transformation is also changing the way in which we deal with our money. This makes it more important than ever to look ahead and make sustainable financial decisions that match your ambitions and needs. This is why the notion of financial literacy is key. This means being able to make ends meet, balancing income and expenditure, now and in the future. To do this, you not only need to have enough money. You also need to know how best to make these important financial decisions. To help you do this, we translate the scientific evidence into practical tips and step-by-step plans that will help you get a better grip on your money.
Not everyone is able to make ends meet. For example, because income is too low, because there is not enough insight into where money is going or what bills need to be paid, or because it is difficult to bounce back after a setback. It is for this reason that a wide range of budget and debt assistance measures are available in Belgium.
Helpers help clients regain control of their budgets. Our goal is to support them in this endeavour with our practice-oriented research. We translate scientific evidence into concrete recommendations. We develop tools and synthesise knowledge into actionable insights. From financial literacy and behaviour to sustainable financial decisions.