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Karolien Baldewijns

Karolien Baldewijns

Care and well-being - Research group Mobilab & Care

Algorithm development and AI

Committed researcher who enjoys exploring new paths and has a passion for empowerment.

Karolien Baldewijns received her Bachelor's degree in Social Nursing in 1999 and her Master's degree in Health Education in 2002.

After completing her Master's degree, Karolien worked within the nursing program at Thomas More Kempen. She taught, served as the program coordinator for social nursing, and further developed internationalization within the campus.

Since 2013, she has been working as a researcher at Mobilab & Care. She is primarily involved in research related to empowerment, supporting self-care in elderly care recipients, and optimizing care processes. As a researcher, she has further specialized in qualitative research methods.

In additions, she has been a Phd student at Maastricht University since January 2016. Her Phd focuses on the organization of heart failure care in the Noorder-Kempen, Maastricht and Aachen regions. 

Furthermore, Karolien is involved in HeartsConnect, a learning network for heart failure that aims to improve transmural heart failure care in Belgium. Transmural care involves collaboration between hospitals and healthcare providers outside the hospital, with a focus on patient-centered care and integrated care as the ultimate goal.