Ga naar de hoofdinhoud

Dit aanbod kan in de loop van het academiejaar 24-25 nog wijzigen. Neem steeds contact op met je studietrajectbegeleider.


Legende schema:

  • Donkere kleur = vak wordt in het Engels gegeven
  • X = opleiding wil vak als onderdeel vrije keuzeruimte
  • Struct. = structurele samenwerking; vak moet passen in roosters beide opleidingen; evt. in aparte/meerdere groepen

Legend scheme: 

  • Dark color = course is taught in English 
  • X = program wants to include course as part of free elective space 
  • Struct. = structural cooperation; course must fit into schedules of both programs; possibly in separate/multiple groups

This offer may change during the academic year 24-25. Always contact your study counsellor.

Free study options

If you choose a course unit from the free elective, you check the ECTS file yourself to see what the exact content is, whether it is sequential and - very important! - whether it fits into your schedule. Moreover, the number of registrations for these OPO's may be limited. Every enrollment is therefore subject to change. For certain courses, you are obliged to ask in advance whether you can still register for them with the program manager/study counselor of the organizing program; this is mentioned with the courses in question. Erasmus students can contact the study counselor of the program.Â