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10 resultaten gevonden
Professionele bachelor


Voel jij je thuis op een bouwwerf? Dan is Bouw iets voor jou.

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Degree Programme

International Communication and Media

Become a fully qualified communication and media professional.

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Exchange Programme

Applied Architecture

Keuzetraject van de Professionele bachelor Bouw


Is hout je passie? Deze opleiding neemt je mee in de meest recente mogelijkheden om te bouwen met hout.
English Bachelor's Degree

International Journalism

study journalism in an international and diverse context, with a clear focus on learning by doing.


Projecten met impact realiseren

Specialisation track of the English Bachelor's Degree International Communication and Media

Public and Corporate Affairs

Become fully prepared for an inspiring international career in sports, music or fashion PR, public affairs, crisis communication, lobbying, and more.

Professionele bachelor

Toegepaste Architectuur

De schakel tussen bouwheer, architect en aannemer.