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1049 resultaten gevonden
Research line coordinator

Wessel van de Veerdonk

Wessel van de Veerdonk (Msc) is research coordinator for Prevention and empowerment in the Human and Welfare Research Group. His research focus is currently on optimal preventive health care specifically for people with reduced access.


Peter Vervoort

Peter Vervoort is a researcher at the research group People and Well-being, research line Prevention and empowerment. From his expertise, he participates in the project “Immersive Technology in Healthcare Training.


Annelies De Bruyne

Annelies De Bruyne is a researcher in the People and Well-being Research Group, research line Prevention and empowerment. She works at the interface between formal and informal care, and wants to contribute to the socialization of care.


Remko De Duytsche

Remko De Duytsche is a researcher the research group People and Well-being, research line Prevention and empowerment. From his expertise as a nurse and teacher, he collaborates on the project Immersive Technology in Healthcare Training.


Wendy de Vaal

Wendy de Vaal is a researcher in the People and Well-being research group, research line Prevention and empowerment. Her focus is currently on “Samen aan Z,” an Interreg Flanders-Netherlands research project.